Happy Career Formula with Jette Stubbs
Happy Career Formula with Jette Stubbs helps you find what you love to do and grab the attention of employers and clients, whether you want a job, freelance service or business. Discover how to choose a career by unlocking your entrepreneurial spirit so you can flex between attracting employers to land your dream job and clients to start business to build a life on your own terms. No more imposter syndrome, toxic work environments, and conflicting career advice or business advice. Start with episodes 2 & 3.
34 episodes
33. How to Build a Work-From-Anywhere Freelance Service & Business to Replace Your Income After Being Laid Off: Jolie's Journey
Jolie was laid off from a job for the first time in her career. On the show today, you'll discover how Jolie built a work-from-anywhere freelance service and business to replace her income, even though she wasn't sure what she wanted to d...
Season 1
Episode 33

32. Networking Basics: How networking works and why networking is important so you can use it for growth (with J Kelly Hoey)
How to network? What do you say? Who should you reach out to? You're ready for a career change and a part of you wishes you could reach out to your network and say, "Hey friends, support me in finding this new job.... or building this new busin...
Season 1
Episode 32

31. The Six Factors of Entrepreneurial Vulnerability (with Shulamit Ber LevTov)
If you have ever had like cold or hot sweats, trying to think about how am I going to make money off of this idea? How is this going to work? As an entrepreneur, you have to wear so many hats. Imagine you know how to manage the stress and chann...
Season 1
Episode 31

30. For professional growth, what next step should you actually take based on your situation? Plus Where'd You Go Jette?
Let's talk heart-to-soul. If you uncover these lessons, these are some powerful lessons to make personal change in your life. Here's the thing: we need to have a raw conversation about the emotional obstacles that come as you pursue professiona...
Season 1
Episode 30

29. How to Land Your First Big Client to Become a Digital Nomad (with Kate Bagoy)
Kate Bagoy is a Forbes Council’s business coach and the founder of SixFigureFreelancers.com, where she helps freedom-focused tech & corporate creatives escape the 9-to-5. A self-professed nerd with an MBA and a UX design strategist, she's w...
Season 1
Episode 29

28. How to go from a "dead-end" job with no growth to negotiating a promotion without switching companies (with Nicole Tschierske)
How do you sell yourself to a company that isn't valuing you or giving you opportunities right now? It's tempting when you are feeling stuck in your job to just think, 'I'm going to quit.' But what if there was a way to negotiate with your comp...
Season 1
Episode 28

27. How to communicate, network, and build relationships with people to grow your career, without feeling fake (with Zack James)
How do you build relationships so you can have that amazing career or business story about how you met the right person at the right time? How do you network your way into those amazing opportunities that aren't even posted online? Today,...
Season 1
Episode 27

26. How to build a career if you have so many interests, you have no idea where to start (with Daralyse Lyons)
What if you are multi-passionate or just have so many potential interests you don't know which one to pursue as a career? You are afraid of being pigeonholed into one career choice. What if you have obstacles slowing down your career grow...
Season 1
Episode 26

25. How to Land Multiple Dream Jobs and Convince Start-Ups to Hire You, even if you don't have much experience yet with Vivek Nanda
Have you ever wondered how you can make a plan to live the life you want and then, build a career to make that a reality? Today, Vivek Nanda will walk us through how he did that and how you can do it too. Vivek Nanda is an expe...
Season 1
Episode 25

24. How to Survive Corporate America as an Introvert with Steve Friedman, Author of Corporate Introvert
Have you ever felt like you are too quiet or shy to have all the success you want in the corporate world? On the show today, we'll chat with Steve Friedman from Beyond Introversion. Steve will share how "How to Accelerate Through the 5...
Season 1
Episode 24

23. Negotiation Framework: Steps to Negotiate in Jobs or a Business with Negotiation Expert, Mike Lander of Piscari.com
If you've ever questioned, do you ever sweat when it's time to negotiate money? Today, where speaking with Mike Lander from Piscari.com who has negotiated on behalf of major corporations and negotiated the purchase of his first business. Mike t...
Season 1
Episode 23

22. How to Negotiate Salary with Fatu Fall, TeamRora.com
Jette read a stat that said something like 90 plus percent of hiring managers expect people to negotiate salaries, but only 7% of people do negotiate their salary. Have you ever questioned how to negotiate salary? Have your ...
Season 1
Episode 22

21. How to Charge What You're Worth (Set Your Price & Salary Negotiation)
When it comes to thinking about how to set price or how to negotiate salary. The real question that you're asking yourself is how do I charge what I'm worth? And that's what we're going to be talking about today. The tips, the tricks, the tools...
Season 1
Episode 21

20. How to Love Your Business (And Have It Love You Back) with Nicole Lewis-Keeber
Today, we'll have a heart-to-heart with Nicole Lewis-Keeber about what to do when difficult emotions affect our professional growth and business. For some of you, like me, you are dealing with burnout and life obstacles on your professional gro...
Season 1
Episode 20

19. Getting a 25% Salary Increase: Mo's Journey
How can you show employers you can do more? How do you increase your salary if you're feeling stuck right now? Let's chat with Mo on his journey from getting generic rejection letters to lining up three job opportunities with a 25% - 50% salary...
Season 1
Episode 19

18. My Top 7 Books for Managing Money & Building Systems to Attract Clients
It's great to love what you do, but what if you don't know how to make money from it each month? We've talked about books to find what you love to do and books on how to sell yourself with confidence. In this episode, it's time to talk about ho...
Season 1
Episode 18

17. My Top 7 Books to Sell Yourself (Job or Business) without feeling pushy or salesly in an interview or sales pitch
How can you show employers you can do more? How do you convince clients to work with you and pay you? How do you increase your income? In this episode, I'll share the books that helped me get rid of the fear of being pushy or annoying when sell...
Season 1
Episode 17

16. 5 More Secrets to Guide How You Build Your Business or Career, so it aligns with who you are
How do you build a business or a career that aligns with who you are? Listen in to learn the 5 of 10 values you should consider adopting if you want to make it a reality. It's the same value that guide this podcast.Learn more:
Season 1
Episode 16

15. 5 Secrets to Guide How You Build Your Career or Business, so it aligns with who you are
How do you build a business or a career that aligns with who you are? Listen in to learn the values you should consider adopting if you want to make it a reality. It's the same value that guide this podcast. Learn more:
Season 1
Episode 15

14. My Top 9 Books to Find & Test an Idea (Job or Business) that Aligns With Who You Are
You're trying to teach yourself how to build a career that aligns who you are, whether it's a job, freelance service or business. Maybe you're feeling stuck? Here are 9 books to help you think about how to align your career to support you...
Season 1
Episode 14

13. Should You Separate the Personal and Professional? (What You Wish You Knew)
On the show today, we'll be myth busting beliefs on success and authenticity. Should you separate the personal and professional? Are there limits on your success based on your situation? Does success come from hard work? Learn mor...
Season 1
Episode 13

12. How (if and when) to pursue an education and answer, "What Should I Study?" at any career or business level
You're having trouble building out a career, business, or way to make money you actually enjoy, so you're thinking, "Maybe I should go back to school?" or "Upgrade my skills? or Learn something new." "Maybe if I had another degree or certificat...
Season 1
Episode 12

11. The awkward moment that shattered and rebuilt how I think about pursuing an education (Interviewed by Kapil Ghai)
Kapil Ghai from the Finding Perspective podcast interviews Jette Stubbs about the awkward moment that shattered how she thought about education - When a thief held a knife to her and her mother. Then, you'll learn how to start rethinking ...
Season 1
Episode 11

10. Three (3) Options to Overcome the Fear of Failure and Create Growth in Your Career and Business
On the show today, you'll learn about how to overcome the fear of failure in your career or business. It's easy to get caught up in anxieties: Who am I to do this? Am I too young? Am I too old? But how do you move past it to not only create act...
Season 1
Episode 10

9. How to set expectations, so you can build success and avoid the fear of failure with Ben Winter
Am I being realistic? Am I limiting myself and my goals? How do I know if this will work? On the show, you'll learn how to set expectations, so you can build success and avoid the fear of failure. Ben Winter is the author of What to Expect ...
Season 1
Episode 9